Trainings Undertaken...

Training for SHGs

trainings have been organized for SHGs in Warud and Morshi blocks of Amravati district in this year.  The topics covered in these trainings were:
1.  SHG concept
2.  SHGs needs, importance and types of SHGs (APL/BPL)
3.  Rules and responsibilities
4.  Documentation
5.  Women’s rights and duties

Training for village development committee members
This training was held for members of the watershed development committees in July 2007 in Jarud.  The training imparted information on Vidarbha Panlot Mission, watershed concepts, development vision, program management, VDC roles and responsibilities, women’s participation in watershed development. 

Training for Watershed Development Team
This training was of technical nature imparting skills on watershed implementation and development team.  The topics covered were: